徐浩博士,同濟大學助理教授,在經典區塊鏈共識、網絡架構、區塊鏈與去中心化應用等領域均有扎實的研究基礎。自2020年完成論文30+篇(含SCI期刊9篇、引用過百論文3篇) Google Scholar引用1100+,包含《柳葉刀》,《自然》的引用,其中ESI高被引2篇,另有高引用1篇(被引次數142)。發明專利10項(含英國專利1項),ETSI/O-RAN國際標準4項、學術專著章節3項。參與區塊鏈物聯網主題EPSRC項目2項,Co-PI主持企業橫向1項。
"When Web 3.0 Meets Reality: A Hyperdimensional Fractal Polytope P2P Ecosystems" published in IEEE Network, 2024. (First Author)
"deController: A Web3 Native Cyberspace Infrastructure Perspective" published in IEEE Communications Magazine, 2023. (First Author)
"BeepTrace: Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing for COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond" published in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021. (First Author)
"Blockchain-enabled resource management and sharing for 6G communications" published in Digital Communications and Networks, 2020. (First Author)
"Wireless Distributed Consensus for Connected Autonomous Systems" published in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022. (First Author)
"RAFT Based Wireless Blockchain Networks in the Presence of Malicious Jamming" published in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2020. (First Author)
【1】EP/S035362/1、PETRAS 2 National Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cybersecurity、EPSRC英國工程和自然科學研究委員會、2019-01至2024-06、12692萬元,在研,主要參與人。
【2】EP/S02476X/1 Resource Orchestration for Diverse Radio Systems (REORDER)、EPSRC英國工程和自然科學研究委員會、2019-05至2021-10、213萬元、結項、主要參與人。
【3】BeepTrace、企業橫向(CONTAKT LLC)、2021-02至2021-07、140萬元、結項、主持。
現代編碼理論 2024春季
計算機原理與技術 2024秋季