攻讀碩士學位,于2002年底取得工學碩士學位。2003年2月至2006年6月在華中科技大學圖像識別與人工智能研究所學習,并于2006年6月獲得模式識別與智能系統專業的工學博士學位。近年來一直從事機器視覺、制造物聯、云制造等方面的研究工作,作為主要負責人或主要參與者先后完成了國家科技支撐計劃、國家自然科學基金、國家863計劃、上海市科委等科研項目的研究,在《Optical Engineering》、《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》、《電子學報》、《軟件學報》,以及《CVPR》、《ACCV》、《VCIP》、《MIPPR》等國際會議上發表論文20多篇,其中SCI檢索/錄用10篇,EI檢索30多篇。
[1]Zhicheng Wang, Xiaobei Wu. Salient object detection using biogeography-based optimization to combine features. Applied Intelligence. 2016, 45:1-17. (SCI IF=1.215)
[2]Zhicheng Wang, Yufei Chen*, et al. An automatic panoramic image mosaic method based on graph model. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 75(5): 2725-2740. (SCI IF=1.331)
[3]Zhi-Cheng Wangand Xiao-Bei Wu. Hybrid Biogeography-Based Optimization for Integer Programming. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 2014:1-9. (SCI IF=1.219)
[4] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. A Robust Non-rigid Point Set Registration Method Based on Asymmetric Gaussian Representation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015, 141: 67-80. (SCI IF=2.134)
[5] Yufei Chen,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. The Domain Knowledge Based Graph-cut Model for Liver CT Segmentation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2012, 7(6): 591-598. (SCI IF=1.521)
[6] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Robust Point Matching Method for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2015, 19: 68–76. (SCI IF=1.521)
[7] Yingchun Ren,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Sparsity preserving discriminative learning with applications to face recognition. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2016, 25(1): 013005-1~ 013005-13. (SCI IF=0.616)
[8] Yingchun Ren,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Sparsity Preserving Discriminant Projections with Applications to Face Recognition. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 8:1-12. (SCI IF=0.644)
[9] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Removing Mismatches for Retinal Image Registration via Multi-Attribute-Driven Regularized Mixture Model. Information Sciences, 2016, 372:492-504.(SCI IF= 3.683)
[10] Qiangqiang Zhou,Weidong Zhao,Lin Zhang,Zhicheng Wang*. Salient Region Detection by Fusing Foreground and Background Cues Extracted from Single Image. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016, Article ID 2138747, //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/2138747(SCI IF=0.802)
[11] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Context-Aware Gaussian Fields For Non-rigid Point Set Registration. 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 27-30, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.(EI)
[12] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Robust Point Matching using Mixture of Asymmetric Gaussians for Nonrigid Transformation. The 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Nov 1-5, 2014, Singapore.(EI)
[13]Wang Zhicheng, Zhu Zewei, et al. A Robust Image Mosaic Method Based on Graph-Model Optimization. International Conference on Virtual Reality and Visualization (ICVRV), August 30-31, 2014 Shenyang, China.(EI)
[14]Wang Zhicheng, Li Lina, et al. Salient region detection based on color-complexity and color-spatial features. 2013 4th International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, June 9-11, 2013, 699-704.(EI)
[15] Gang Wang,Zhicheng Wang*, et al. Fuzzy Correspondences and Kernel Density Estimation for Contaminated Point Set Registration. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct 9-12, 2015, Hong Kong.(EI)
[16]呂煊,王志成*,等.一種基于低秩描述的圖像集分類方法.同濟大學學報, 2013,41(2): 271-276.(EI)
[17] Zhou Qiangqiang,Wang Zhicheng*, et al. Contour-Based Plant Leaf Image Segmentation Using Visual Saliency. Image and Graphics Volume 9218 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 48-59, 2016.(EI)
[18] J.Y Chen,Z.C Wang*, J.L Wang. Language Model for Assessing Author Similarity. International Conference on Future Communication Technology and Engineering (FCTE2014), November 16-17, 2014, Shenzhen, China.(EI)
[19] Yufei Chen,Zhicheng Wang, et al. Liver Segmentation from CT Images Based on Region Growing Method. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2009, Vol.III: 1-4.(EI)
[20] Lv Xuan, Chen, Gang,Wang Zhicheng*, et al. Grassmannian manifolds discriminant analysis based on low-rank representation for image set matching. Pattern Recognition - Chinese Conference, 2012, 17-24, Beijing, China.(EI)
[21] Li Wei, Chen Yufei,Wang Zhicheng, et al. An improved decimation of triangle meshes based on curvature. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8818:260-271, 2014.
[22]任迎春,王志成*,等.基于稀疏保持拉普拉斯判別分析的快速特征提取算法.同濟大學學報, 2016, 44 (4) : 645-650.(EI)
3 專利與軟著
發明 專利 |
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軟件 著作權 |
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