1. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Decentralized Control of Networked Discrete Event Systems with Communication Delays", Automatica, 2014, To appear;
2. S. Shu, "Recoverability of Discrete Event Systems with Faults", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2014, To appear;
3. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Fault-Tolerant Control for Safety of Discrete Event Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 11(1), pp.78-89, 2014;
4. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Enforcing detectability of controlled discrete event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(8), pp.2125-2130, 2013;
5. S. Shu, Z. Huang and F. Lin, "Online sensor activation for detectability of discrete event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 10(2), pp.457-461, 2013;
6. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Delayed detectability of discrete event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(4), pp.862-875, 2013;
7. S. Shu and F. Lin, "I-Detectability of Discrete Event Systems", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 10(1), pp.187-196, 2013;
8. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Generalized detectability for discrete event systems", Systems & Control Letters, 60(5), pp. 310-317, 2011;
9. S. Shu and F. Lin, "Detectability for discrete event systems with dynamic event observation", Systems & Control Letters, 59(1), pp. 9-17, 2010;
10. H. Tan, S. Shu and Feng Lin, "An Optimal Control Approach to Robust Tracking of Linear Systems", International Journal of Control, 82(3), pp.525-540, 2009;
11. S. Shu, F. Lin, H. Ying and X. Chen, "State estimation and detectability of probabilistic discrete event systems", Automatica, 44(12), pp.3054-3060, 2008;
12. S. Shu, F. Lin and H. Ying, "Detectability of discrete event systems", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52(12), pp.2356-2359, 2007.